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Lunch Program

For those families who cannot make alternate arrangements at lunch, we do employ lunchroom supervisors to provide a lunch program on a casual or full time basis.

Families requiring lunchroom service can contact the school for an application, regulations and schedule of fees.

No Heated Lunches

Students will be eating lunch in their classrooms and there will be no microwaves for student use. Parents please prepare a lunch that does not require a microwave.  We thank you for your cooperation.


In order to provide a safe learning environment for our students with nut allergies we are raising awareness of all members of our school community regarding severe allergies. Our school acknowledges that due to food processing practices it is impractical to eliminate nuts or nut products entirely from an environment where there is food.

As a Nut “Aware” School we ask that:

  • Parents and caregivers are encouraged NOT to send food to school with their child that contains nuts (especially peanuts). This includes peanut paste, Nutella, all nuts and cooking oil containing peanut oil, as well as foods containing nuts.
  • No nut products be included in food on special food days i.e. cakes, or in any cooking activities at school or on school camps.
  • Students being encouraged NOT to share food.

Students being encouraged to wash hands before and after eating. We also need to educate the child with the allergies to recognize potential risks and remove themselves from an area they feel is dangerous.

Thank you for helping us in respecting the needs of students with allergies attending our school.



It is an expectation that all children eat a healthy lunch every day.  We understand the importance of nutrition to the growing body and mind.  We would like to encourage parents to ensure that their child have healthy snacks and lunches.  We do have spare lunches at the school for those that forget or lose theirs.  Below is a link to the Alberta Health Nutrition Guidelines and Resources, it is a great site for parents and educators.


 also use the following guide:  Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth